  • At a public hospital, if you benefit from French social security coverage and if you are eligible for obesity surgery, you can be operated free of charge (apart from the cost of preoperative consultations: the preoperative assessment is performed externally most often).
  • In private clinics, on the other hand, the surgeon may - if his qualifications and his reputation allow it - ask you for additional fees. You should know that the fees paid to the surgeon by social security for a sleeve and the post-operative follow-up are 435 Euros. These additional fees may be reimbursed by your private insurance company according to the guarantees included in your contract.

Therefore, it is imperative, before any decision, to review these guarantees (!) To be confirmed by a quote sent to your insurance company, as required by law.

During the first consultation, we prescribe an initial assessment which will confirm the operative indication: blood assessment, cardiology consultation, search for sleep apnea syndrome and we prepare a quote to be send to your medical insurance company.

During the second consultation, based on this initial assessment, if it confirms the operative indication and based on the insurance's response, we decide with the patient where the procedure will be performed.

See : Preoperative Assessment

INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS : Please contact us by the INFORMATION REQUEST form below for more details and a quote.

♦To make an appointment with Dr. Bruto Randone, Digestive and Bariatric Surgeon, at the Clinique Internationale du Parc Monceau, 21 Rue de Chazelles, 75017 Paris, France, or at the Clinique Bizet, 23 Rue Georges Bizet, 75116 Paris, France, click on Contact